Low Vision Steering Group


Archive Newsbox


Many children have to wear eye patches as part of sight saving treatment for squints or ‘lazy eyes’. On World Sight Day (11th October 2007) we launched a national competition encouraging young people to write a poem about wearing eye patches.
2 categories – children 9 years and under and children 9 to 16 years of age.
Prizes will be available and the results of the competition will be announced at the national children’s low vision conference in May 2008. Closing Date 19th March 2008

For further information contact Laura Beaumont (L.beaumont@vision2020uk.org.uk) or see linked application form.

National Conference – Stacks of Chairs 3

There are still places for the conference taking place at Queen Alexandra College on November 7th 2007.
Application forms available from Laura Beaumont (L.beaumont@vision2020uk.org.uk)


In addition to the changes we have made to the web-site we’d like to promote low vision events and links to local web-sites. Please contact our web administrator with these together with any other comments.

National Conference – Stacks of Chairs 3

This will take place at Queen Alexandra College on November 7th 2007. LVSCs can get involved before the event by considering the following questions: Please forward any answers to l.beaumont@vision2020uk.org.uk


We have made a few changes to the web-site. Please let us know what you think about our site: contact our web administrator.

National Conference – Stacks of Chairs 3

This will take place at Queen Alexandra College on November 7th 2007. A provisional programme is available.

One main themes of the conference will be ‘setting standards’ and some time will be spent looking at the draft of the UK Vision Strategy


Leading the way !Find out about the work of the national Low Vision Steering Group by following this link to the latest copy of the minutes and workplan

Improving Website

We are currently working on improving the accessibility of the site. You may find some of the pages on this site in need of updating. For up to date information please contact Mary Bairstow.

Don't forget we are still looking for 'personal stories' See previous newsbox for more details


Mary's moved!
A new and exciting phase of the project begins with the work of Low Vision Implementation Officer now being managed directly by Vision 20 20 UK. As a result Mary Bairstow has moved offices and is based in Queen Alexandra College (see Contacts page)

LVSG Chair presents at the APPG
The All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on Eye Health and Visual Impairment meets on a regular basis and is chaired by Sandra Gidley MP. The latest meeting considered Low Vision and equipment matters. Lance Clarke was amongst the invited speakers. The minutes of this meeting can be found at the College of Optometrists website

Don't forget we are still looking for 'personal stories' See previous newsbox for more details


Moving Forward
Vision 20 20 have managed to secure 3 year funding to expand the project to employ not just one officer but two! Mary Bairstow will continue as LV Implementation Officer but move over to Vision 20 20 UK and RNIB will continue to support the Low Vision Steering Group's work by funding another officer who will work within RNIB. This is great news and a great endorsement of confidence by the Vision 20 20 UK members and the RNIB.

Call for 'personal stories'
As part of the new phase of our work we are looking to identify examples of 'good practice'. The Low Vision Steering Group is looking for 'personal stories' of people that have benefited from low vision services. If you or someone you know has a good story to tell (and you live in England!) please send details to Mary.Bairstow@rnib.org.uk


A consultation questionnaire regarding the review of General Ophthalmic Services was issued by the Department of Health - the deadline being 13th April 2006. The National LVSG took the opportunity to submit a response that can be found in the documents section. The response from the 'optical bodies' can be found at http://www.assoc-optometrists.org/uploaded_files/gos_review_questionnaire_response_final.pdf

Transition to adult services
LVSCs might want to review local issues concerning how young people with low vision move on into adult low vision services. The DFES and the Department of Health have recently published a report. Transition: getting it right for young people. This can be found at


The Integrated Children’s Low Vision Services Conference has been organised by the Children’s sub-group of the Low Vision Steering Group. There are still some spaces left but apply early as the closing date for applications is April 19th. Contact Stuart Duncan at LVServices@rnib.org.uk

Discussions about a Waltham Forest LVSC are taking place. Hope is that a meeting will take place early in the Summer.

For details about the Eye Care Services pilot in Waltham Forest see the NHS Networks site.


Website moves to its permanent home at http://www.lowvision.org.uk/

The LV Steering Group meet to discuss the future of the project. Minutes of the January meeting have been approved and the LVSG agreed to make these and those of the consultative forum available to LVSCs.

Preparatory work has begun in the central Manchester area and Rochdale areas. If successful there will be LVSCs covering the whole of the Greater Manchester area.