Low Vision Steering Group


Bold View

is the newsletter of the LV Steering Group

It is now produced in electronic format and circulated by e-mail.
Please contact Laura Beaumont at VISION 20 20 UK if you would like to receive a copy.

All published editions can be downloaded:
  1. Spring 2002
  2. Summer 2002
  3. Autumn 2002
  4. Winter 2002
  5. Spring 2003
  6. Spring 2004
  7. Autumn 2004
  8. Spring 2005
  9. Spring 2007
  10. Summer 2007

As well as Bold View a regular update - now called Questions and Updates (Q and U's) is sent out monthly:

Other publications - low vision and visual impairment

Black and Minority Ethnic publications

Low Vision Steering Group publications